Soil Fertility: Definition and some properties

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Adriano Cabrera Rodríguez
Ramón Rivera Espinosa
Alberto Hernández Jiménez
Andy Bernal Fundora


Various definitions have been established on soil fertility; however, the definition is broad and complex since it depends on the supply of nutrients and other edaphic, environmental factors and the management to which this medium is subjected. The aim of this review has been to integrate various considerations that have been taken regarding the definition of soil fertility in a spread way and present in a broad way results that characterize the fertility of the main Cuban soils. The definition of soil fertility must be broad and complex, since it depends on the supply of nutrients and edaphic, environmental factors, and the management to which this medium is subjected. Based on what has been expressed and considering the complexity of the system where the soil is inserted, the definition of soil fertility is proposed as “the result of the interaction between the plant, the properties of the soil, the environment, the socio-economic phenomena and anthropogenic activity, which give it the ability to serve as a support and supply nutrients in the forms, quantities and proportions that plants require to achieve their growth and development”. In the work, chemical, physical-chemical, morphological, physical, biological properties are presented, as well as the impact of socio-economic activities and anthropogenic activity that characterize the fertility of the main Cuban soils.

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How to Cite
Cabrera Rodríguez, A., Rivera Espinosa , R., Hernández Jiménez , A., & Bernal Fundora, A. (2024). Soil Fertility: Definition and some properties. Cultivos Tropicales, 45(2), Retrieved from
Bibliographic Review


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