Effect of two arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculants (liquid and solid base) on hard wheat (Triticum durum) crop

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R. Plana


A field research was conducted at the National
Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), with the objective
of testing the effectiveness of two mycorrhizal inoculants,
LicoMic® and EcoMic®, compared to the standard fertilization
dose as well as a control without biofertilizers or mineral
fertilization in hard wheat on a Rhodic Nitisol soil. The
mycorrhizal variables: % colonization, % visual density,
endophyte weight (mg.g1), total (glomalin) glycoprotein (mg.g-1
soil) and leaf analysis (% N, P and K) were performed, besides
yield (t.ha-1) and its components: grain number.spike-1, spike
number.m-2 and 1000-grain weight (g). The experimental work
was developed on a randomized block two-way classification
design with five treatments: 1. absolute control; 2. LicoMic®-
recovered seed+50 % N; 3. LicoMic®-sprayed seed+50 kg.ha-1
N; 4. Production control (100 kg.ha-1 N, 54 kg.ha-1 P and
70 kg.ha-1 K); 5. EcoMic®+50 kg.ha-1 N. Results proved the
positive action of biofertilizers on mycorrhizal variables, standing
out LicoMic®. On the other hand, wheat crop showed an
adequate nutritional level on N, P and K macroelement leaf
analyses. Yield and its components achieved better results
when applying liquid and solid mycorrhizal inoculants followed
by mineral fertilization.

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How to Cite
Plana, R. (2012). Effect of two arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculants (liquid and solid base) on hard wheat (Triticum durum) crop. Cultivos Tropicales, 29(4), 35–40. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/209
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