Proposal of a new humic horizon to diagnose brown soils (Cambisols) of Cuba

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Marisol Morales


The thickness of the accumulative humic horizon
in soils is every day more important, as well as its characteristics,
mainly for the Tropics where its transformations are more
intense. In Brown soils for the diagnosis and classification of
normal horizons, in the new Cuban soil classification, only
two are shown: the mollic and the ocric in spite that they are
the most extensive, around 2x106 ha, that is to say, 23 % of the
national territory and to have appreciable variations not
corresponding with these horizons. Therefore, the present work
was carried out based on mean values of 48 Brown soil profiles
from Cuban plains. The main edaphological characteristics of
the surface horizon were studied in order to define diagnostic
horizons. Differences were recorded among evaluated
parameters, such as structure, color, clay per cent, depth and
organic matter per cent. As a result, a new surface horizon was
diagnosed which according with its characteristics was named
slitic. In connection with soil cartography and due to its
importance, the depth of A humic horizon, should be classified
at a detailed scale of 1:5 000 and 1:10 000.

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How to Cite
Morales, M. (2013). Proposal of a new humic horizon to diagnose brown soils (Cambisols) of Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 26(3), 27–30. Retrieved from
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