Web site for the subject network management of mycorhizal symbiosis in agrosystems

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Adriana Pérez


The subject network Management ofMycorrhizal Symbiosis in Agrosystems was officially createdin December, 2003, as a result of the advances reached on thisconcern by our country and the joint work performed amongdifferent research centers and universities. Nowadays, havinga Website is an opportunity to be seen in Internet andconstitutes a valuable means of communication. This Websitewas developed with the aim of creating a collaborativeframework that foster the management of information generatedby the network members and to put it at the scientificcommunity service, besides allowing the exchange ofknowledge and cooperation, as a working approach, for theemerging future joint activities. The presence of this site inInternet enables and promotes the research work carried outby the network members and its main results.

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How to Cite
Pérez, A. (2012). Web site for the subject network management of mycorhizal symbiosis in agrosystems. Cultivos Tropicales, 31(4), 25–32. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/74
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