The journal will only receive technical or scientific (non-informative), original and unpublished works that are not simultaneously postulated in other journals or editorial bodies. The text must be unobjectionable in terms of its presentation and content. In the selection of the materials proposed to be published, the degree of scientific contribution, interest of the specialized community, scientific strength and clarity, originality, timeliness of the information, seriousness in the treatment of the subject, its writing, and the compliance with the rules of editorial ethics. Articles that do not comply with the instructions to the authors will not be accepted for publication. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept or not the documents presented to the journal,, the editorial process begins and the texts are incorporated into the list of publications. All contributions submitted will be subject to peer review, using the double blind system to ensure impartiality. In this process, the Senior Editor reviews the proposal and assigns an Associate Editor to control the review and editing. The Associate Editor removes the information that identifies its authors and sends the text to two reviewers who can be internal (25%) or external (75%) to the publishing institution (double blind). Based on your answers, the type of admission or refusal is decided. The answers can be of four types:

  • Admission unchanged
  • Admission with changes
  • Non-final rejections (if the text in its initial form does not meet the requirements)
  • Definitive rejection

In cases of controversy, that is, when one of the two evaluating arbitrators issues an opinion of accepted and the other of rejected or accepted with modifications, an evaluation request is sent to a third arbitrator and after its verdict, the Committee Editorial weighs the three evaluations and will issue the verdict of Admission without changes, Admission with changes, Non-definitive rejections or Definitive rejection. In the event of suspicion or non-compliance with some of the good ethical practices established in the magazine's Code and other cases of Controversy, we will proceed as established in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Flow Charts for each case.

Final rejections should be less likely if the rules for publication have been rigorously followed. The decisions and indications will be communicated to the author by the associate editors. The authors have a period of four weeks to return the corrected publication proposals, otherwise their works will go to the end of the queue of articles to publish. Depending on the volume of changes proposed to the text, the editors reserve the power to submit them to a new cycle of revisions once they have been forwarded by the authors, prior communication to them. After revised from a scientific point of view, the texts enter the production process, which includes a new editorial correction by the Style Editor. Then the edited work goes to the Designer, who adjusts it to the magazine layout, which can contact the authors in case of difficulties with the format of the images, annexes, among others. Once the document is assembled, it is sent again to the author and a Gallery Reviewer from the Editorial Committee to perform the gallery test. Proposed corrections must be returned within 7 business days. Regarding the galley proof, the only corrections that are accepted are spelling, typographical errors or editorial elements that can lead to confusion. The time that elapses between receipt and final publication of the articles is approximately 4 months. The author and a Gallery Reviewer from the Editorial Committee are again sent to perform the gallery test. Proposed corrections must be returned within 7 business days. Regarding the galley proof, the only corrections that are accepted are spelling, typographical errors or editorial elements that can lead to confusion. The time that elapses between receipt and final publication of the articles is approximately 4 months. The author and a Gallery Reviewer from the Editorial Committee are again sent to perform the gallery test. Proposed corrections must be returned within 7 business days. Regarding the galley proof, the only corrections that are accepted are spelling, typographical errors or editorial elements that can lead to confusion. The time that elapses between receipt and final publication of the articles is approximately 4 months.

The arbitrator, from his appointment and during all arbitration proceedings, will remain independent and impartial, qualities necessary for his appointment and maintenance in the assigned role. The arbitrators must not give rise to justified doubts regarding their impartiality or independence (factual or legal), they may be challenged. The arbitration proceedings will promptly reveal such circumstances to the parties. Manuscript evaluation is a voluntary process, which is recognized by the annual publication in the journal of the names of the evaluators who have collaborated during that period.

The arbitrators must exercise the position with strict impartiality and absolute discretion, it is an anonymous process. The appointment of an arbitrator can be accepted or rejected, although it is normal to accept it which establishes the rights of the parties to fulfill the order within the established period of four weeks from the receipt of the article. In case of rejection within a maximum period of 48 hours, the editor or president of the Editorial Board must be notified, avoiding damages that may be caused by delay or breach of the respective obligations It is the duty of the arbitrators, to inform the parties of any situation that jeopardize the performance of their duties. During the communication of the appointment as arbitrator, all circumstances that may give rise to a possible removal must be exposed. The arbitrator, from the moment of his appointment and during the arbitration proceedings, will promptly disclose such circumstances to the parties unless he has already informed them of them.

Review form: WORD