Economic effect of the jack bean-corn rotation and the partial substitution of mineral fertilizers

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Gloria M. Martín Alonso


The green manures are a practice that is used to substitute total or partially the nitrogen fertilization in agricultural systems. However, few works guided to evaluate their economic effect. The present work was carried out to quantify the costs and benefits of the employment of Jack Bean and the mycorrhizical inoculation like nutritional alternatives next to the nitrogen fertilization in corn and to evaluate the profitability of the system. It was demonstrated that to bigger contribution of the N from Jack Bean, it is higher the quantity of the fertilizer substitution. Also, the mycorrhizical inoculation promotes a bigger use of the N coming from the fertilizer or the Jack Bean, reflected in an increment of the agricultural yields, with the rising decrease of the production costs and increase the value of the production and the relationship benefits/cost. Bigger economic benefits were obtained if the canavalia was used in the rainy period in comparison to the one sowed in the dry period, due to the increment of their benefits like green manure in the rainy season.

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How to Cite
Martín Alonso, G. M. (2016). Economic effect of the jack bean-corn rotation and the partial substitution of mineral fertilizers. Cultivos Tropicales, 36(3), 34–39. Retrieved from
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