Combined application of mycorrhizal on FitoMas-E in plants of Talipariti elatum (Sw.) Fryxell (Majagua)

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Emir Falcón Oconor


The work was done with the objective of evaluating the combined application of mycorrhizal and FitoMas-E about the quality of the specie Talipariti elatum (Sw.) Fryxell (Majagua) developed in nursery until plantation on a typical Red Ferralitic soil. Four treatments were studied in nursery and plantation establishing a completely aleatory design and in the phase of nursery and in the phase of plantation an experimental design of randomized blocks and four replications was established too. The treatments were: T1- control, T2- FitoMas-E, T3- Mycorrhizal and T4- Mycorrhizal+FitoMas-E. It was used the strain Glomus cubense (INCAM-4) to reason 10 g planta-1 direct form and FitoMas-E to reason 5 mL-1 of water. It was obtained that the combined use of Mycorrhizal+FitoMas-E (T4) allows obtaining better results in the morphological stages as well as the morphological indexes in nursery and plantations: height, collar diameter root, leaf area, as well as morphological indexes(Aerial Part/Radical Part relation, Slenderness, Dickson Index and Vigor Index).
In general, this work showed that the combined application of phytostimulant FitoMas-E with an efficient AMF improves crop development and better economic response.

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How to Cite
Falcón Oconor, E. (2016). Combined application of mycorrhizal on FitoMas-E in plants of Talipariti elatum (Sw.) Fryxell (Majagua). Cultivos Tropicales, 36(4), 35–42. Retrieved from
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