Major issues that affect the development of the cultivation of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in different municipalities of the province of Huambo, Angola

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Fernando M. de Almeida


During the period of February, 2013 until March, 2014 the present investigation was developed in four municipalities of the province of Huambo, with the objective of determining the main problems that affect the development of the cultivation of the potato
(Solanum tuberosum L.). It was carried out a participative diagnosis with the direct producers to the cultivation, with the use of different techniques of the participative rural development that included interviews and questionnaires as methods of sociological investigation. It was carried out a census of problems at agroecosistems level with the producers and their families where it was possible to appreciate the problems that were affecting the cultivation of the potato and their system of current production. With all the basic information a matrix of priorization of problems was made and also an order for the solution of the same ones. It was worked with a sample of 212 producers related directly with the potato production, that represent 57,61 % of the total producers. The obtained results allowed identifying nine common problems that affect the development of the potato. Among them, the most important ones and with a higher frequency in apparition in many territories were the bad quality of the seeds, the shadowy use of the plantation distance and the plant poor management. The low yields of the cultivation of the potato in the province of Huambo are influenced by technological irregularities and ingrained customs not compatible with the techniques that are usually applied in the cultivation.

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How to Cite
de Almeida, F. M. (2016). Major issues that affect the development of the cultivation of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in different municipalities of the province of Huambo, Angola. Cultivos Tropicales, 36(4), 100–107. Retrieved from
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