Review. Silicon in the crop resistance to agricultural pest

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Leónides Castellanos González


The silicon (Si) is the most abundant element in the terrestrial (crust) after the oxygen. The Si is not considered essential for the higher plants because it doesn�??t respond to the direct and indirect approaches of the essentiality. In spite of that its absorption can cause beneficent effects for some crops, such as: resistance to pests and diseases. The objective of the present paper was to carry out an up-to-date revision of investigation results related with the resistance to the insect�??s pests that confers the silicon in some crops. Since more than 40 years investigation results on beneficent effects on the resistance of the insect�??s pests on different crops have been informed, however the information is even poor in many crops and insect groups. The most encouraging results for the reduction of pests obtained from the literature was concentrated at the beginning in rice, sugar cane, corn and others Gramineae specie, but later were informed in Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cruciferaceae, forest specie and coffee, being the most successful results on insect species that are located mainly in Lepidoptera, Hemiptera
and Thysanoptera orders. Among the sources more widely
used of this element are, the scum of calcium silicate and
the silicate of potassium.

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How to Cite
Castellanos González, L. (2016). Review. Silicon in the crop resistance to agricultural pest. Cultivos Tropicales, 36(5 Esp), 16–24. Retrieved from
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