Comparative analysis of leaf chemical indicators and diterpenes from leaf exudates of Nicotiana tabacum L.

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Yanelis Capdesuñer


Plants are a great source for the isolation of natural products. The discovery of novel metabolites from plants is essential for the development of chemicals used in different industries. The objective of this research is to determine the chemical composition of leaf and ethanolic leaf exudates from 10 noncommercial accessions of Nicotiana tabacum L., two of them cuban, to propose their use for the production of bioactive natural products or their inclusion in breeding program to commercial purposes. The morphological and chemical indicators evaluated showed differences among accessions. The accession Nic 1016 showed the highest height and number of leaves, together with Nic 1061 and SNN while BHmN remained low compared with the rest of accessions. Accessions showed a chemical diversity of the crude extracts from leaf exudates and four of them (Nic 1017, Nic 1003, CE y BHmN) showed the presence of diterpene cis abienol, secondary metabolite of interest due to its potential application. The accession Nic 1017 showed the best indicators of leaf chemical composition with influence in quality and BHmN showed the indicators less adequate. These results allow a comparative morphological approach to determine the chemical characterization of the leaf composition and the obtained extracts using tobacco accessions not fully characterized before with possible biological activity.

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How to Cite
Capdesuñer, Y. (2016). Comparative analysis of leaf chemical indicators and diterpenes from leaf exudates of Nicotiana tabacum L. Cultivos Tropicales, 37(5 ESP), 127–135. Retrieved from
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