Green manures and mycorhizal inoculation of coffee seedlings on lixiviated Red Fersialitic soils

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R. Rivera


Sorghum vulgare, Crotalaria juncea and
Canavalia ensiformis were seeded and characterized, with the
aim of evaluating green manure management in the mycorhized
coffee seedling production on Chromic Luvisols; after 70 days,
they were added to the soil for obtaining different substrates,
in order to study seedling response to G. fasciculatum
inoculation, on a randomized complete design with (5x2) factorial
arrangement, besides including the treatments of single soil
and soil/earthworm humus (3/1). Inoculation of the same
effective strain was further studied on the substrates, made up
of complementary earthworm humus added to the incorporated
sorghum, at the rates of 9/1, 7/1, 5/1, besides including both
treatments through a (6x2) factorial arrangement. The greatest
dry weight production as well as the highest P and K extractions
by sorghum, and N extractions by crotalaria were recorded.
Green manures increased coffee growth and native
mycorhization; however, there was always a significant coffee
response to inoculation, with the biggest effects in the
substrate made up by crotalaria. Nevertheless, even in presence
of such a substrate, inoculated seedlings did not show an
effective mycorhization and they were inferior to those
obtained by the reference treatment of soil/humus (3/1).
Therefore, to obtain healthy seedlings and an effective
mycorhization, it was necessary, besides inoculating, to add
complementary earthworm humus at the rate of 9/1 on the
incorporated crotalaria substrate.

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How to Cite
Rivera, R. (2012). Green manures and mycorhizal inoculation of coffee seedlings on lixiviated Red Fersialitic soils. Cultivos Tropicales, 31(3), 75–81. Retrieved from
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