Short communication. Barley (Hordeum vulgare Lin.) germplasm damaged by Rhyzoperta dominica Fabricius

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Regla M. Cárdenas


Quantitative damages caused by stored pests
are vitally important to seeds destined for investigation, since
there are generally very small amounts. The study was carried
out in seeds from 96 Syrian barley lines preserved for six months
at 15 + 2oC, with the objective of knowing this sort of losses
provoked by Rhyzoperta dominica F.; thus, weight reduction (g)
was considered, 1000-grain weight (PMG) was determined,
the number of adult insects in 1000 grains (NAMG) was
estimated and attack index (IA) was also calculated. Results
showed that 12 lines were damaged by R. dominica, with an
average weight (g) loss of 18 %; the lines studied showed a
low PMG (32.38 g), whereas the estimated NAMG was of 31.25
and IA of 3.17 %.

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How to Cite
Cárdenas, R. M. (2012). Short communication. Barley (Hordeum vulgare Lin.) germplasm damaged by Rhyzoperta dominica Fabricius. Cultivos Tropicales, 30(2), 15–17. Retrieved from
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