Chitosans influence on soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) nodulation and vegetative growth

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Daimy Costales
María C. Nápoles
Alejandro B. Falcón
Gustavo González Anta
Alberto Ferreira
Alejandro Rossi


The purpose of this work was to study the
in vitro compatibility of an induced inoculant containing of
the Bradyrhizobium japonicum E109 strain with chitosans
of different physico-chemical characteristics. The influence
of chitosan in vivo nodulation and growth of soybean
plants, when applied to seeds at planting time (A),
by foliar spraying to 15 days after seedling (B) and with
the combination of both forms of application (C) was also
evaluated. The chitosan and inoculant combination caused
a variable effect in the number of viable bacteria until the
thirty days of their conservation which depended on the
chitosan type, the concentration, and the evaluation time.
The response in plants was influenced by the application
form and concentrations of chitosan assayed, but not for
the differences between them in terms of molecular mass.
The 100 and 500 mg L-1 polymer and hydrolyzed chitosan
concentrations, applied by foliar spray, exerted beneficial
effect on increased number and nodule dry mass formed
in soybean roots, respectively. Also, the root length was
stimulated with different concentrations of partially hydrolyzed chitosan, applied by foliar spray. Our results suggest that the combination of chitosan with rhizobia inoculants can be used as organic fertilizers to enhance of  soybean nodulation and growth and must be examined in future work, the application of chitosan in the field using the application forms studied.

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How to Cite
Costales, D., Nápoles, M. C., Falcón, A. B., González Anta, G., Ferreira, A., & Rossi, A. (2017). Chitosans influence on soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) nodulation and vegetative growth. Cultivos Tropicales, 38(1), 138–146. Retrieved from
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