Computerization of Agro-technical processes and plant health in a rice producing company

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Dailén M Calás Cheong
Ronal J Arias Martínez
Yudi Castro Blanco


The agribusiness company of grains ̏ Fernando Echenique Urquiza ̋ from Granma dedicate to the production of rice consumption and seed, through different processes including agro-technical and plant health, where a large volume of information related to planting and crop care is controlled. The accounting process is performed manually or through Microsoft Excel electronic tab to which different documents are required, causing delays and the possibility of mistakes. In response to these needs, this research aims to develop a web application. To implement the methodology of software development Extreme Programming was used, also the programming languages Hypertext Preprocessor, HyperText Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript, the Web application server Apache, the CodeIgniter and Extend JavaScript frameworks, the integrated development environment NetBeans and database manager My Structure Query Language database. With its use the information management and data processing related to agro-technical and plant health data so that it can be quickly provided, enabling greater consistency, security and raising the level of efficiency from the organizational control and the analysis information.

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How to Cite
Calás Cheong, D. M., Arias Martínez, R. J., & Castro Blanco, Y. (2018). Computerization of Agro-technical processes and plant health in a rice producing company. Cultivos Tropicales, 38(4), 139–145. Retrieved from
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