Dendrobium ´Ovas Stripe´. New hybrid orchid from Cuba

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Lorenzo Suárez Guerra
Georvis Téllez Beltrán


Dendrobium is one orchid genera, with more than 1 600 species distributed throughout Asia, from India, Japan, south to Australia and New Zealand. It is sold as a cut flower, in vitro material and pot plant. Dendrobium cultivars are placed as the fourth most sold among floricultural products, after the Palmaceas, Dracaenas and Anthuriums. This scientific work shows the main characteristics of a new cultivar of Dendrobium. ´Ovas Stripe´ is the result of cross pollination between Dendrobium ´Burana Stripe´ and Dendrobium ´Kuranda Classic´. It´s registered in Sander´s list and published of the Royal Horticultural Society of England database, in Orchids Review Supplement 125 (1317), March 2017.

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How to Cite
Suárez Guerra, L., & Téllez Beltrán, G. (2018). Dendrobium ´Ovas Stripe´. New hybrid orchid from Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 39(1), 119. Retrieved from
Report of New Cultivar

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