Specific time for debudding in the tobacco variety "Corojo 2006" in Contramaestre´s conditions

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Orlando Fabré-Carballosa
Inés M. Escobedo-Pérez
Denice Ardoche-Vilar
Esteban Álvarez-Suarez


The present work was carried out on a farmer’s tobacco Plantation in Baire, municipality of Contramaestre, in Santiago de Cuba province, between November 2015 and February 2016 with the purpose of evaluating the proper moment for eliminating leaf buds from the Corojo 2006 tobacco variety, according to the amount of fully developed leaves in the environment of Contramaestre an experimental design at random blocks was used, with four replicas and four treatments which consisted of 16, 18, 20, and 22 leaves per plants as the proper height for eliminating leaf buds. Data were processed after an Anova/GWBasic. Exe. doble classification variance analysis. Morphologic characteristics as leaves length and width, green and dry mass of stem and leave were evaluated so as stem height, combustibility, yield and crop quality. An economic analysis was done taking into as count the cost of production the value of production and the cost per each peso invested on the basis of a hectare. When leaf buds were eliminated from 20 leaves per plants. Results were the best regarding morph characteristics of the leaf, yield and quality of the cured leaf, as combustibility as a chemical component of the leaf. It was also determined, that from the economic point of view, this treatment made possible a $104989,06 profit and a cost of $0,062 per each peso invested.

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How to Cite
Fabré-Carballosa, O., Escobedo-Pérez, I. M., Ardoche-Vilar, D., & Álvarez-Suarez, E. (2018). Specific time for debudding in the tobacco variety "Corojo 2006" in Contramaestre´s conditions. Cultivos Tropicales, 39(2), 21–27. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/1441
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