Organic carbon reserves in soil from the fluvial plain Calceta-Tosagua, Manabí, Ecuador

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Freddy W. Mesías-Gallo
Alberto Hernández-Jiménez
Leonardo R. Vera-Macías
Ángel M. Guzmán-Cedeño
Ángel F. Cedeño-Sacón
Katty P. Ormaza-Cedeño
Geoconda A. López-Alava


The Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is one of the most important issue nowadays in Soil Science from two points of view. One of them is the reserves of SOC in soils in relation with climate change and the other is in relation with other soil properties because its conditions dependent of SOC content, to have high SOC content that improve other soil properties as volume density, porosity, biological activity and others. In Manabí, Ecuador there are few and disperse results about this thematic, practically there are no results in the northern coast part of the province. So that, in soil investigations that are making in the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí (ESPAM), in the last five years, in the Carrizal-Chone System. In this region there are four Referential Soil Groups, Feozems (Mollisols), Fluvisols (Fluvents), Cambisols (Inceptisols) and Gleysols (Aquents). The nature soil formation in this region is Feozem and Fluvisols, the Cambisols are formed by degradation from the Feozems because its cultivation during many years. The Feozems has the higher content of SOC reserves, 52 mg ha-1, in the 0-30 cm layer of the upper part of soil profile. Fluvisols, Cambisols and Gleysols have a medium content (32-36 mg ha-1) of SOC reserves. There are also in this paper some recommendations to continue this studies in the region. That permit management technology in agricultural production that improves soils and keed good yields.

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How to Cite
Mesías-Gallo, F. W., Hernández-Jiménez, A., Vera-Macías, L. R., Guzmán-Cedeño, Ángel M., Cedeño-Sacón, Ángel F., Ormaza-Cedeño, K. P., & López-Alava, G. A. (2019). Organic carbon reserves in soil from the fluvial plain Calceta-Tosagua, Manabí, Ecuador. Cultivos Tropicales, 39(4), 27–33. Retrieved from
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