Main soils and its particularities of the Carrizal-Chone system, Manabí, Ecuador

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Leonardo Ramón Vera-Macías
Alberto Hernández-Jiménez
Freddy Wilberto Mesías-Gallo
Ángel Frowen Cedeño-Sacón
Ángel Monserrate Guzmán-Cedeño
Katty Paola Ormaza-Cedeño
Geoconda Aracely López-Alava


One of the most important premise to arise the suitablemanagement of soils in a region is the study of the distribution and characteristics of soils. For this reason, the main objective in this paper was to elaborate a soil map in scale 1:25 000 for the Carrizal-Chone System (7 233 ha) in Manabí, Ecuador. At the same time to know, the chemical, physical and morphological soil characteristics, based on 145 soil profiles that were taking in different soil separated in the map. Among the results is the diagnosis and classification of four Referential Soil Groups, Fluvisols (53 % de of the total area), Feozems (29 %), Cambisols (14 %) and Gleysols (4 % only), by the World Reference Base soil classification system. In this paper are included the study of Soil Units in each Referential Soil Group. Is determined that the natural soil formation in this region is Feozem and Fluvisol, the Cambisol appears because the degradation of the cambicFeozem for the cultivation during many years.In the results are present also, the analytical data of the Referential Soil Groups studied.

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How to Cite
Vera-Macías, L. R., Hernández-Jiménez, A., Mesías-Gallo, F. W., Cedeño-Sacón, Ángel F., Guzmán-Cedeño, Ángel M., Ormaza-Cedeño, K. P., & López-Alava, G. A. (2019). Main soils and its particularities of the Carrizal-Chone system, Manabí, Ecuador. Cultivos Tropicales, 40(2), e06. Retrieved from
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