Methodology of validation and management of crosses in the genetic improvement in sugarcane

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Reynaldo Rodríguez-Gross
Yaquelin Puchades-Isaguirre
Wilfre Aiche-Maceo


The Sugarcane Research Institute in Cuba develops a selection program to respond to obtaining new cultivars. However, there is no procedure available to determine and classify the family response from the progeny selection data. The objective of the work was to establish a methodology of classification and management of biparental crosses in the program of genetic selection of sugarcane in Cuba, based on the selection information and the estimation of its genetic value. Data from the stage of Clonal Lot 1 of the selection program of the southeast region were used. The period included the selection of the years from 2000 to 2015. A linear model was used to quantify the interaction between the crossing and the environment and quantify the estimated genetic value. Seven variables related to the sugar content of the progenies were used, as well as agricultural yield, aroya resistance and coal from sugarcane. Seven categories were established for the classification of the crossings: crossing much discarded, discarded, moderately discarded, exploratory, moderately verified, verified and very tested. The proposed method allows to make more efficient the programs of crossing and genetic selection of sugarcane.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Gross, R., Puchades-Isaguirre, Y., & Aiche-Maceo, W. (2020). Methodology of validation and management of crosses in the genetic improvement in sugarcane. Cultivos Tropicales, 41(1), e02. Retrieved from
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