Structural typology of farms in usufruct in Báguanos, Holguín, Cuba

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Niurlys Rodríguez-González
Jacques Marzin
Teodoro López-Betancourt
Orestes Cruz-La Paz
Mirna Dayanis Martínez-Domínguez


The research was carried out with the objective of building the structural typology of farms in usufruct of the municipality of Báguanos, as a guideline to be used in the reinforcement of agricultural extension work towards these farmers. The sample was 82 farms, information was collected through semi-structured interviews and the SPSS - 22 program was used for data processing. The typification evidenced three groups of farms: in type I, livestock predominates with dimensions ranging from seven to 67 ha, with full dedication of the usufructuary and family and contracted labor force. In type II with several cultivations (vegetables, grains, banana, roots, tubers and corms) predominate, the dimensions from 0.25 ha to 6 ha, usufructuaries with total dedication and have water. The type III are farms for several cultivations (vegetables, grains, banana, roots, tubers and corms) and fruit with dimensions between 0.25 ha up to 13.42 ha, pluriactive usufructuaries and they not hire workforce. The greatest demand of farmers is for technical advice and the limitations are the limited availability of water, varieties and labor force

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-González, N., Marzin, J., López-Betancourt, T., Cruz-La Paz, O., & Martínez-Domínguez, M. D. (2021). Structural typology of farms in usufruct in Báguanos, Holguín, Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 41(4), e05. Retrieved from
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