Biobras-16 application effect on the growth and quality of pineapple fruits ‘MD-2’

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Gustavo Yasser-Lorente
Diana Rodríguez-Hernández
Lázaro Camacho-Rajo
Carol Cristina Carvajal-Ortiz
Reinaldo De Ávila-Guerra
Justo González-Olmedo
Romelio Rodríguez-Sanchez


Biostimulants can increase yields in the ‘MD-2’ pineapple crop. The following work evaluated the effect of foliar application of a brassinosteroid analogue (Biobras-16) on the vegetative growth index of ‘MD-2’ pineapples plants and fruits. A biweekly foliar treatment of Biobras-16 at 2.0 mg L-1 was applied, at a rate of one liter every 160 plants of plants five months old and subsequently to fruits 90 days after the floral induction (DAFI). At five months of age, 20 random plants were selected and evaluated in fresh weight of the plant (g), leaves number, roots number, fresh and dry mass (g) and length and width of “D” leaves (cm). Three months after start of the experiment, the same variables were evaluated in each treatment. At 150 DAFI bromatological analyses were performed on 20 random fruits per treatment. The Biobras-16 increased the fresh weight of the plants (402 g) and the number of roots emitted (20.4) and don’t had effects on the new foliage emission. In “D” leaves the fresh weight and length were significantly increased, and the width decreased. The fresh weight of crowns on the treatment with Biobras-16 reached the highest and significant values with respect to the control. No differences were observed in the fruit/crown relationships. The chemical analyses showed no significant differences. Biobras-16 positively affected the growth of plants and crowns or pineapple fruits ‘MD-2’, without affecting the chemical-physical characteristics evaluated.

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How to Cite
Yasser-Lorente, G., Rodríguez-Hernández, D., Camacho-Rajo, L., Carvajal-Ortiz, C. C., De Ávila-Guerra, R., González-Olmedo, J., & Rodríguez-Sanchez, R. (2021). Biobras-16 application effect on the growth and quality of pineapple fruits ‘MD-2’. Cultivos Tropicales, 42(2), e06. Retrieved from
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