Dendrobium ´Jaicate´. New hybrid of orchid from Cuba

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Lorenzo Suárez-Guerra
Georvis Téllez-Beltrán


Dendrobium spp. cultivars are the fourth most sold floricultural products, after the palms, Dracaena spp and Anthurium spp. This work shows the main characteristics of a new cultivar of Dendrobium, ´Jaicate´. This is the result of cross-pollination between Dendrobium ´Queen South East´ and Dendrobium ´Jacquelyn Thomas´. It was registered in Sander´s list and it was published in the Royal Horticultural Society of England database, in Orchids Review Supplement.

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How to Cite
Suárez-Guerra, L., & Téllez-Beltrán, G. (2021). Dendrobium ´Jaicate´. New hybrid of orchid from Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 42(2), e09. Retrieved from
Report of New Cultivar