Agricultural production systems in the northern parishes of Santa Elena province, Ecuador

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Andrés E. Drouet-Candel
Tania Pérez-Castro
Orestes V. Cruz-La Paz


In this work, a characterization of the existing agricultural production systems in the parishes of Manglaralto and Colonche in Santa Elena province, Ecuador, was carried out in the period 2011-2016. This was carried out with the purpose of assessing the agro-productive development of the same and its possibility for an agroecological transition, as a result of the implementation of the Comprehensive Project for Sustainable Agricultural, Environmental and Social Development in Ecuador (PIDAASSE according its acronyms in Spanish) approved and implemented since 2009. The study was carried out with communes of two localities, covering a population of 2131 producers, from whom information related to technical and socioeconomic aspects of the farms was processed. The data were processed through the SPSS Statistical Package version 19.0, obtaining as main results that most farmers have difficulties for irrigation, low income and monoculture as the main production option, so there is little biodiversity, being the Manglaralto parish the most disadvantaged. Results show the need for a change in production strategies that prioritize actions for the use of agroecological practices, the inclusion of women and more training, as they have a low level of education, leading to a successful agroecological transition.

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How to Cite
Drouet-Candel, A. E., Pérez-Castro, T., & Cruz-La Paz, O. V. (2022). Agricultural production systems in the northern parishes of Santa Elena province, Ecuador. Cultivos Tropicales, 42(4), e02. Retrieved from
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