Use of biostimulants in chickpea cultivation

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Indira López-Padrón
Lisbel Martínez-González
Geydi Pérez-Domínguez
Yanelis Reyes-Guerrero
Miriam Núñez-Vázquez
Juan A. Cabrera-Rodríguez


Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important legumes in the world with a production of around 9 million tons. The crop is sensitive to several abiotic stresses such as: salinity, extreme temperatures and excess or deficiency of soil moisture; in addition, it can be affected by several pests and diseases. Adverse effects of the indiscriminate use of chemical products in agriculture have led to the use of various biostimulants in chickpea as a safe alternative to the use of these products, both for the supply of nutrients to plants and for the control and management of pests and diseases, as well as for the induction of tolerance to abiotic stresses. The use of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) as biofertilizers has been one of the most widely used practices in this crop, although arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, co-inoculation of bacteria of different genera and of bacteria and fungi have also been used. In addition, the use of other biostimulants such as algae or chitosan-based products has been reported to increase grain yield and quality. The aim of this literature review is to give an updated view on biostimulant use in chickpea cultivation, with emphasis on those based on beneficial microorganisms, algal extracts and chitosan.

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How to Cite
López-Padrón, I., Martínez-González, L., Pérez-Domínguez, G., Reyes-Guerrero, Y., Núñez-Vázquez, M., & Cabrera-Rodríguez, J. A. (2022). Use of biostimulants in chickpea cultivation. Cultivos Tropicales, 42(4), e13. Retrieved from

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