ALAYN LP-26. New cultivar of rice (Oryza sativa L.) obtained by in vitro anther culture

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Elizabeth Cristo Valdés
María C. González-Cepero
Noraida Pérez-León


At Scientific and Technological Base Unit (UCTB) “Los Palaciosˮ belonging to the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), a new medium-cycle rice cultivar (named ALAYN LP-26) was obtained by biotechnological methods (in vitro cultivation of anthers from a selection of Eduar LP-21 cultivar), with excellent morphoagronomic characteristics in terms of agricultural yield (7.4 t ha-1 in the low rainy season and 6.2 t ha-1 in the rainy season), milling quality with 59 % of whole grains and resistance to pests (highly resistant to Tagosodes orizicolus), as well as good yield under conditions of low water supply. With this new cultivar, UCTB expects to favor rice producers in the peasant cooperative sector.

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How to Cite
Cristo Valdés, E., González-Cepero, M. C., & Pérez-León, N. (2022). ALAYN LP-26. New cultivar of rice (Oryza sativa L.) obtained by in vitro anther culture. Cultivos Tropicales, 42(4 s1), e10. Retrieved from
Report of New Cultivar

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