Biomass production and steviolglycoside content of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni var. Morita II, under field conditions

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Marielys González-Colina
Marcos Daquinta-Gradaille
Danilo Pina-Morgado
Nayansi Portal-González
Osbel Mosqueda-Frómeta
Lianny Pérez-Gómez
Maritza Escalona-Morgado
Oscar Concepción-Laffitte


Dry leaf production of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni under Cuban climatic conditions requires the identification of the agro-technical variables with the greatest impact on yield. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of planting distance on biomass production and steviolglycoside content. Plants were planted in the field at three planting distances: 15x20 cm; 20x20 cm and 25x20 cm. Variables plant height, number of branches per plant, fresh and dry mass of both leaves and stems, and flowering percentage were evaluated after 180 days. In addition, the yield in dry mass per hectare was estimated and the steviolglycoside content was determined. The best results for the agronomic variables evaluated were obtained with the longest planting distance (25x20 cm), except for plant height and flowering percentage. However, these two variables did not influence the behavior of leaf yield (1.48 t ha-1) or steviolglycoside content (450.89 mg g-1 dry mass) in the plants of this treatment, indicating a direct relationship of these latter variables with the planting distance of Stevia rebaudiana var. Morita II grown under these conditions.

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How to Cite
González-Colina, M., Daquinta-Gradaille, M., Pina-Morgado, D., Portal-González, N., Mosqueda-Frómeta, O., Pérez-Gómez, L., Escalona-Morgado, M., & Concepción-Laffitte, O. (2022). Biomass production and steviolglycoside content of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni var. Morita II, under field conditions. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(1), e03. Retrieved from
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