Morphological characterization of landrace maize (Zea mays L.) collected in the municipality of Tuchín, Colombia

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Carlos Cuesta-Hoyos
Luis Oviedo-Olivella
Norbey Marín-Arredondo


Maize landraces (Zea mays L.) constitute a potential of great genetic value for the indigenous communities of Colombia. The aim of this work was to characterize two collections of creole maize accessions in Tuchín municipality, Colombia. The germplasms evaluated were characterized under the practical guide for the preliminary description of maize collections. Taking into account four quantitative and seven qualitative characteristics, the information was processed using SAS® software (Statistical Analysis System, version 9.4). A UPGMA grouping analysis was performed and the cut height was defined in the dendrogram, using the Pseudo F index. The samples collected showed a great variability among the creole cultivars, due to the fact that in the first collection four groups were grouped and in the second one five groups were grouped within their dendrograms, indicating that accessions belonging to the same race occupy different sets. This is due to the fact that there are types that are phenotypically similar, but have different origins, since the phenotype reflects the combined action of the genotype and the environment where the individual exists, reflecting combinations of morphological characteristics in cob and grain type, with the presence of anthocyanins, which confer nutraceutical and agroindustrial properties.

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How to Cite
Cuesta-Hoyos, C., Oviedo-Olivella, L., & Marín-Arredondo, N. (2022). Morphological characterization of landrace maize (Zea mays L.) collected in the municipality of Tuchín, Colombia. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(1), e09. Retrieved from
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