The reproduction of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers from their sexual seed

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Yadira López-Ramos
Jorge L. Salomón-Díaz La


Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important food crops worldwide, due to its high nutritional values, its great demand among the population and its high production in a short time. For its propagation, propagules or tubers are used, which in Cuba are imported and they are very expensive; therefore, the objective of this review was to update the art state of potato tuber propagation from its sexual seed at international and national level. The review of the international bibliography showed that the research carried out has been aimed at obtaining new varieties, within the specialty of genetics and, in Cuba, the works carried out three decades ago were not concluded, so that an alternative technology has not yet been achieved for farmers to have access to the use of this technique. There is also no information available to show what remains to be done to achieve this goal. The results of the review allowed visualizing the benefits and limitations of this productive modality, for its possible economic, ecological and social benefits, if its implementation were achieved in Cuba, something that is not investigated at present.

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How to Cite
López-Ramos, Y., & Salomón-Díaz La, J. L. (2022). The reproduction of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers from their sexual seed. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(1), e13. Retrieved from
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