Characteristics of the Red Leached Fersialitic soils of the high southern plain of Pinar del Río

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Greter Carnero-Lazo
Alberto Hernández-Jiménez
Andy Bernal-Fundora
Elein Terry-Alfonso


Soil fertility is considered a determining factor in the availability of nutrients for plants, mainly in tropical regions where transformation and translocation processes of substances are more energetic in soil formation compared to temperate regions. This problem is related to the climatic factor, mainly rainfall and temperature, which are more accentuated in these areas. Considering the above, a detailed edaphological study of "El Pitirre" Productive Base Unit, in Pinar del Río province, was carried out through the application of the Dokuchaevian comparative geographic method, with the main objective of evaluating the edaphological properties. For this, different factors of soil formation are diagnosed, which with their morphological, physical and chemical properties, the soil formation process is established; which is the main basis for soil classification in Cuba. On these results, a new genetic type of soils was diagnosed, the Red Leached Fersialitic, with several subtypes according to relief differences and anthropic causes. In addition, it was shown that the soils are of the ABtC profile type, deep, red, clayey, formed from ancient Quaternary sediments rich in basalt, in undulating to hilly relief, with acid reaction pH and have a low to very low content of assimilable potassium and phosphorus.

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How to Cite
Carnero-Lazo, G., Hernández-Jiménez , A., Bernal-Fundora, A., & Terry-Alfonso, E. (2023). Characteristics of the Red Leached Fersialitic soils of the high southern plain of Pinar del Río. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(3), Retrieved from
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