Effect of two biostimulants on some variables of the tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum L) cultivar Pony Express
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Bioestimulants contribute to increase yield reflected in fruits. In this sense, a study was carried out at the Institute of Tecomatlan, Puebla, Mexico, to evaluate the influence of the Quitomax® use and the inoculation with two strains of mycorrhizae in the behavior of some variables of fruit. Seedlings were produced in trays with a commercial substrate, under the same treatments that would later be applied in field conditions, which consisted of a control where seeds were soaked in water three hours, the same time and application form, when mycorrhizae were used, and Quitomax solution. The two mycorrhizal inoculants were applied by coating the seeds. Six treatments were established since both bioestimulants were also used in combination. A randomized block design was used in the field whit four replications. At transplantation time, each inoculum was applied at root system and Quitomax® was sprayed on the foliage at seven and 28 days. The quantity of fruits per plant was evaluated and in the sixth harvest, 30 fruits were taken at random per replication of each treatments, from which the equatorial and polar diameter were measured. Treatments caused variations in the distribution of fruits by size and in the equatorial diameter, but not in the fruit shape. The number of fruits increased with respect to the control, but not their mass to the same extent.
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