Germination tests in four new rice lines obtained by hybridizations in Los Palacios

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Rogelio Morejón Rivera
Sandra H. Díaz Solis


The quality of the rice seed is a fundamental factor that must be considered in any agricultural production program. The objective was to evaluate the physiological quality of the seed of four new rice lines by descriptive and analytical methods, for which a completely randomized design with three repetitions was used and two trials were carried out, the first consisted of a standard germination test where the number of normal and abnormal seedlings, coleoptile and radicle length, and vigor index were determined. In the second trial, seed emergence counts were carried out for ten days and the emergence speed index, the total emergence percentage and the germination speed coefficient were determined. The results showed that Lines 3, 4 and INCA LP-5 were the genotypes with the best performance in the germination percentage; Line 2 and INCA LP-7 with the highest percentage of normal seedlings and the control INCA LP-5, followed by Line 2, with significant differences between them, the best in vigor index and radicle length. The control INCA LP-5 achieved 50 % of emerged seeds at 7 days and the rest of the genotypes accomplish to exceed that value between days 9 and 11. INCA LP-5 statistically surpassed all genotypes in the characters speed index emergence, emergence percentage and germination speed coefficient.

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How to Cite
Morejón Rivera, R., & Díaz Solis , S. H. (2023). Germination tests in four new rice lines obtained by hybridizations in Los Palacios. Cultivos Tropicales, 44(4), Retrieved from
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