Effect of biostimulants and an Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus in the vegetative propagation of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray
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In an experiment in bags, in the central area of the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Cuba, with the objective of evaluating the effect of different bioproducts on the growth and development of the tithonia crop [Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray], eight treatments were studied in a completely randomized design. Treatments made up of the simple inoculation of bioproducts and the combination of biostimulators with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, plus a control without bioproducts. At 50 dap, the number, length and diameter of the branches, the number of leaves and their chlorophyll content, the nutritional status – N, P and K (aerial part and root), the fungal variables (frequency and colonization intensity) and dry mass (aerial part and root), were measured. The results showed a positive effect of the use of the bioproducts, with different results between them and differences with the control, with a tendency to be higher the effects on the growth and development of tithonia when the combination of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was used with the biostimulants, depending on the bioproducts evaluated and without very marked differences between said combinations. In general, the EcoMic® plus Bioenraíz® combination with the greatest effects on the variables evaluated stands out. The beneficial effects of the use of the different bioproducts and some of their combinations, could favor a sustainable production of this crop.
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