The tissue culture and genetic transformation in Gossypium spp
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The cotton plant is cultivated mainly by the fiber, the oil that is extracted of the seed that can be used like eatable oil and the use of the cotton cake like forage. This plant is resistant to conditions of drought and salinity of the soil. However, it possesses some characters that limit their productivity. It is for it that requires of programs of plant breeding, but the programs for traditional methods are limited by several factors in this cultivation, for what the biotechnical techniques constitute alternatives to achieve these objectives. In the work was carried out a brief revision of the national and international scientific literature about the origin, the distribution and the cultivation importance, as well as the antecedents of the regeneration of plants and the methods of breeding, by means of the genetic transformation, in the cotton cultivation. It seeks to put on to the reader's disposition a summary of results as preamble for the development of future investigations in the regeneration of plants and breeding genetics of Gossypium spp. for biotechnical methods.
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