Plant growth of areca palm (Dypsis lutescens, H. Wendel) with foliar sprayings of an oligogalacturonide mixture

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Bárbara Benítez


Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens, H. Wendel) culture
has reached its peak in the latest years, since it constitutes the
most economically important species from the marketing point
of view in Cuba; however, it takes about 15 months to achieve
the adequate height for sale. The foliar spraying of an
oligogalacturonide mixture, a citrus peel-derived product
obtained at INCA, has proved to be a growth promoter. Thus,
a first experiment was conducted and its results supported the
second one, both at INCA, to spray this mixture to leaves at
concentrations of 2, 10 and 20 mg.L-1, besides a nonsprayed
control treatment. Foliar sprayings were applied after three,
six, and three and six months of plant emergence. The following
growth variables were evaluated every three months: plant
height, leaf number, leaf area and total dry weight. Treatments
were compared by means of Confidence Intervals. Results
showed the potentialities of the oligogalacturonide mixture as
a growth stimulant in plants of areca palm, when sprayed at a
concentration of 2 mg.L-1 after three and six months of its
emergence, so reducing its nursing time.

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How to Cite
Benítez, B. (2012). Plant growth of areca palm (Dypsis lutescens, H. Wendel) with foliar sprayings of an oligogalacturonide mixture. Cultivos Tropicales, 29(3), 81–85. Retrieved from
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