Cotton seed germination test, an accessible methodology for farmer

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María C. Silva


The purposes of this research were a) to characterize sulfite paper as a germination substrate available to the farmer and b) to compare the germination power reached following the internationally accepted methodology with the results obtained utilizing substrates and conditions available to the farmer. The seed variety used was Guazuncho III, INTA, sowed on three substrates: Valot paper, sulphite paper and sand, characterized by its water retention, phytotoxicity, electric conductivity and pH. Germinative potential was evaluated according to ISTA norms, under controlled and uncontrolled conditions. The statistical significance was determined according to ISTA tolerance tables. The characteristics of sulphite paper were adecuate to use in germination essays without phytotoxicity. The different treatments did not show significant differences in seed germination. According to observed results, it is feasible to estimate closely germinative potential under uncontrolled temperatures and using substrates available to the farmer.

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How to Cite
Silva, M. C. (2012). Cotton seed germination test, an accessible methodology for farmer. Cultivos Tropicales, 33(1), 41–45. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

María C. Silva, Facultad de Agronomia y Agroindustrias, Indeas, Belgrano (s) 1912. 4200-Santiago del Estero, Argentina.

Facultad de Agronomia y Agroindustrias, Indeas, Belgrano (s) 1912. 4200-Santiago del Estero, Argentina.