Soil characteristics on the parallel bars, beaches and dunes from the northern coastal plain of Nayarit state, Mexico

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I. Bojórquez


The characteristics of the northern coastal plain
from Nayarit state, Mexico, were presented in two previous
papers, as well as soil distribution in five levels of the plain:
marine fluvial plain with three levels (high, medium and low),
current tide flooding plain and parallel bar zone, beaches and
coastal dunes. Therefore, the main soils of this region:
Cambisols, Fluvisols, Feozems, Gleysols, Regosols, Arenosols
and Solonchaks, besides the characteristics of the most
frequent soils �??Cambisols and Fluvisols- at the three plain
levels were determined. This paper shows important
characteristics of the soils formed in the lowest coastal plain:
tide flooding plain, parallel bars, beaches and coastal dunes.
Data from morphological characteristics, and physico-chemical
texture of the main soils  -Solonchaks, Regosols and Arenosols-
are also presented. This paper comprises the geographical and
edaphological characterization stage of the northern coastal
plain, that will be good for further investigations starting
on the use and sustainable management of agricultural
production in this region, a very important aspect to Nayarit

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How to Cite
Bojórquez, I. (2012). Soil characteristics on the parallel bars, beaches and dunes from the northern coastal plain of Nayarit state, Mexico. Cultivos Tropicales, 29(1), 37–42. Retrieved from
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