Seedling growth of Gerbera jamesonii established with different nutritional alternatives

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María R. Soroa


The effect of different organic alternatives on
Gerbera jamesonii seedling growth and development during
nursery phase was studied in this paper. Plants were settled
down in September 2002 and 2003 with three different nutritional
alternatives: AMF-EcoMic® 2 g.plant-1, organic fertilization 30 g.alveolus-1
and chemical fertilization-complete formulation 9-13-17. They were cultivated in expanded polyesthyrene and pyramidal trunk trays, protected by a tunnel of 10 m long and 7 m wide and recovered with an antiaphid mesh and a zaran with 30 % light. Regressions were used to seedling growth and development analysis; results demonstrated the feasibility
of employing organic matter in gerbera nurseries, either to
plant germination or seedling growth and development in
general. Growth rate was established for leaf surface, total
dry weight, aerial dry weight and root dry weight, fixing data
to a second-degree poynomic exponential equation
(y=e(b0+b1X + b2X2)) or a second-degree polynomial function
(y=bo+b1X+b2X2). AGR and NAR were calculated from total
dry weight equation using the functional method. Plants
inoculated with micorriza showed that gerbera is a micotrophic
plant. In general, the study allowed to conclude that when the
substrate is organically well supplied, it is possible to diminish
up to 50 days the nursery stay, which is an important aspect
for producers.

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How to Cite
Soroa, M. R. (2012). Seedling growth of Gerbera jamesonii established with different nutritional alternatives. Cultivos Tropicales, 28(4), 41–49. Retrieved from
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