Evaluation of Pectimorf activity in the somatic embryogenesis of Cleopatra (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tan) mandarin by means of isoenzymatic markers

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Reina M. Hernández


Pectimorf is a non-traditional growth regulator
produced by  the partial degradation of the cellular wall of
citric barks; it presents the characteristic to elicit defense
mechanisms and to act modifying the processes of plant growth
and development. The objective of the present work was to
detect somatic embryogenesis changes in Cleopatra mandarin
under the action of Pectimorf; by means of six isoenzymatic
systems, different types of vegetable materials were used as:
ova, proembryos, embryos at different developing stages (glo-
bular, heart-shaped, torpedo and cotiledonar) and embryogenic
calluses upon treatments with Pectimorf or without it. The
genetic-biochemical study showed 84.78 % polymorphism in
the six isozyme systems studied, where carbon anhydrase
proved to be the most polymorphic one (90.9 %). The Cluster
analysis according to DICE coefficient of similarity, allowed to
form three groups: in the first one appear the ova, that is the
starting material while in the remaining groups, treatments
appear according to different developing stages of the somatic
embryogenesis and to the differential expression of genotypes,
in answer to the use of this growth bioregulator.

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How to Cite
Hernández, R. M. (2012). Evaluation of Pectimorf activity in the somatic embryogenesis of Cleopatra (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tan) mandarin by means of isoenzymatic markers. Cultivos Tropicales, 28(4), 25–31. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/276
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