Effect of soil flooding stress on leaf area index dynamics in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. híb.)

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S. Rodríguez


In Cuba, a great part of its agricultural extension
is developed in soils prone to waterlogging, and inside this
one a nonworthless area is devoted to sugarcane crop, it being
a preponderant example in Valle del Cauto, in the eastern part
of the country. The effects that this stress type causes on Leaf
Area Index (IAF) dynamics of a Vertisol of Valle del Cauto,
Granma province, on which sugarcane is grown is the main
objective. Therefore, the genotypes C86-456, C90-469, C86-12,
C87-51, C1051-73 and C120-78 were chosen. One experiment
was planted with two big plots: one without waterlogging and
the other one subjected to this stress, in a split plot design at
random blocks with five repetitions, evaluating at plant cane
and first rato of 12-month cycles. Genotypes were considered
subplots. The quantity of active leaves, limb length and width
were measured to estimate IAF. Monthly actual
evapotranspiration and its components were calculated.
Results were statistically processed through t student test
and principal coordinate analysis. Soil flooding reduced
significantly sugarcane IAF dynamics with varietal differences,
while this dynamics has been markly influenced by soil
moisture and this in turn by evapotranspiration. The utility of
minimum spanning trees (ARM) in multidimensional scaling
was proved.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez, S. (2012). Effect of soil flooding stress on leaf area index dynamics in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. híb.). Cultivos Tropicales, 28(4), 33–40. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/277
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