Characteristics of Cambisols and Fluvisols from the northern coastal plain of Nayarit state, Mexico

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I. Bojórquez


The northern coastal plain of Nayarit state,
Mexico, represents one of the most important areas for livestock
and agricultural development. For this reason, a soil
classification and characterization was done for evaluating
the limiting factors and potential use of this resource. In a
previous paper, region characteristics as well as soil
distribution in five plain levels were described as follows: delta
plain or marine floodplain with three levels (high, medium
and low), flooded plain of actual tides and the zone of parallel
off-shore bars, beaches and coastal dunes. In this way, it could
be determined that the main soils in the area are Cambisols,
Fluvisols, Phaeozems, Gleysols, Regosols, Arenosols and
Solonchaks. This paper presents the characteristics of
Cambisols and Fluvisols in relation to different levels of the
delta plain. Thus, it was defined that concerning both soil
groups, there are no salt or sodium problems in the high plain.
With regard to the medium plain, there are some salts in the
lower section of the soil profile; however, in the low plain,
where fluvic Cambisols and Fluvisols are predominant, most
soils are affected by salt and sodium. This sequence in soil
distribution is related to relief evolution, sedimentation and
desalinization as well as interchangeable sodium washing
under a tropical sub-humid climate within a time period dated
from 4 000 to 4 500 years, when this plain was formed.

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How to Cite
Bojórquez, I. (2013). Characteristics of Cambisols and Fluvisols from the northern coastal plain of Nayarit state, Mexico. Cultivos Tropicales, 28(1), 19–24. Retrieved from
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