Leaf area estimation of Canavalia ensiformis based on its linear measurements

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Gloria M. Martín


The leaf area of any plant is a determining factor
on its productivity or yield, since the leaf is an essential organ
for photosynthesis, a process by means of which the plant
takes in CO2 from the air and converts it into carbonate organic
substances. Canavalia ensiformis is used as green manure in
agriculture; however, its studies in Cuba have not considered
leaf area estimation, besides boring and complicated methods
are employed to evaluate this agronomic index. Therefore, this
experiment was performed with the aim of establishing a
methodology to estimate leaf area in Canavalia ensiformis
based on its linear measurements. Then, 20 plants were selected
from the experimental farm of INCA, removing their compound
leaves to calculate length and width. Leaf area was estimated
through the punched leaf disk method and, finally, a statistical
regression was fixed between each leaf area and its size. Also,
a single method was provided to estimate leaf area in the whole

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How to Cite
Martín, G. M. (2013). Leaf area estimation of Canavalia ensiformis based on its linear measurements. Cultivos Tropicales, 27(4), 77–80. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/342
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