Characteristics of soil formation and main soils from the northern coastal plain of Nayarit state, Mexico

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I. Bojórquez


A geographic-genetic study of soils located at
the northern coastal plain in Nayarit state was conducted,
considering as a reference more than 100 profiles gathered
from different studies and classified by the World Reference
Base. Results proved that in this region there are seven
referential groups of soils. The formation of these soils is related
with the fluvio-marine influence as well as the leaching of salts
and bases, under a current sub-humid tropical climate.
Therefore, it is shown that at the upper and medium fluvial
coastal plains, the most common soils are Cambisols, Fluvisols
and Phaeozems, with a high base saturation without salts, but
with a small exchangeable sodium accumulation (hyposodic);
whereas the lower fluvial coastal plain, with marine influence,
Cambisols are transitionals with Fluvisols (fluvic Cambisols),
and these soils and even Fluvisols are mostly affected by
salts (salics) and/or exchangeable sodium (sodic and
hyposodic). Today, on the fluvial coastal plain, there are only
Fluvisols. The area affected by tides, with marine influence, is
representative of the saline soils or Solonchaks; however, in
the zone of parallel bars to the coast, there are Arenosols and
Regosols. These results will serve as a future base for the
agricultural and forestry management of this region, in search
for a sustainable agriculture.

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How to Cite
Bojórquez, I. (2013). Characteristics of soil formation and main soils from the northern coastal plain of Nayarit state, Mexico. Cultivos Tropicales, 27(4), 19–26. Retrieved from
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