Bibliographic review Urban agriculture and characterization of its productive and social systems, as a way for food security in our cities

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Loracnis Hernández


With the growth of cities in the last decades,
mainly in developing countries, new models are looked for in
agriculture, that allow to solve the problems to increase life
quality and food security. With the height of urban
agriculture, it has been demonstrated as one of the main ways
to solve these problems; therefore, this work is sought to
approach some topics on how this agriculture arose and
developed in the world and in Cuba, as well as to deepen on
the participatory methods that are good as tools to work,
characterize and qualify rural communities in subjects related
with the technological handling of its productive systems
and how to potentiate a better use of agricultural biodiversity.

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How to Cite
Hernández, L. (2013). Bibliographic review Urban agriculture and characterization of its productive and social systems, as a way for food security in our cities. Cultivos Tropicales, 27(2), 13–25. Retrieved from
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