Influence of Pectimorf on sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) artificial seed quality

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Mariela Cid


Pectimorf, a new Cuban bioregulator whose active
principle is a mixture of oligosacarides of pectic origin,
having the capacity to induce and develop rooting, to stimulate
callus growth and remarkably increase the development and
vigour of vitroplants in different cultures, is a promising
alternative in crop biotechnology. Therefore, the objective of
this work is to determine the effect of single and combined
Pectimorf with GA3 and IAA on the composition of sugarcane
artificial seed capsule. The work was made with somatic
embryos obtained in calluses from segments of the most
internal leaf of sugarcane plants, CP52-43 variety, planted under
field conditions with nine months of age. Artificial endosperm
became rich with Pectimorf (10 mg.L-1), that was combined
with GA3 (0 and 2.0 mg.L-1) and IAA (0 and 0.5 mg.L-1) and a
control treatment without hormones. Results showed a
synergic effect of Pectimorf with IAA, which increased in the
percentage of capsule germination, without reaction in the
oligosaccharide interaction with gibberellin. When Pectimorf
was applied as a single one, although it increased the number
of plants, it was in detriment of the quality of them; the size,
number of leaves and length decreased significantly and at
the final evaluation, these capsules presented a high number
of deformed plants that was not possible to evaluate.

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How to Cite
Cid, M. (2013). Influence of Pectimorf on sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) artificial seed quality. Cultivos Tropicales, 27(1), 31–34. Retrieved from
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