Short communication Maize (Zea mays L.) response differences to inoculation with Glomus cubense (Y. Rodr. & Dalpe) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species conglomerate

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Aracely Mena Echevarría


The use of conglomerate for the development ofmycorrhizal inoculants is very important to develop a varietyof commercial products made from these microorganisms.According to this a experiment was conducted in order tocompare the effect of two mycorrhizal inoculants on growth,development and gasses interchange of maize plants. Theexperiment was developed under a completely randomizeddesign and the inoculants proved were the first constituted byGlomus cubense specie and the other one was a conglomerateof species (Consorcio Selva). Different mycorrhizal (intensityand frecuence), physiological (stomatal conductance,photosynthetic rate) and growth (height, stem diameter anddry mass) indicators were evaluated. Not differences weredetected among the inoculants employed on growth indicators,but in mycorrizal parameters the conglomerate (Consorcio Selva)presented the highest values of the indicator; however, aninteresting behavior was observed using Glomus cubenseinoculants due to the values obtained for this inoculants werecomparable to control, but the effect of this specie was thebest obtained on gas exchange variable. These results pointto the highest efficiency of this specie and to the functionaldifferences between species on ecological point of view, andthey open the possibility of using of cluster in field�??s condition.

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How to Cite
Mena Echevarría, A. (2013). Short communication Maize (Zea mays L.) response differences to inoculation with Glomus cubense (Y. Rodr. & Dalpe) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species conglomerate. Cultivos Tropicales, 34(2), 12–15. Retrieved from
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