Seedling growth of tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in different substrates and levels of water supply

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E. Utria


With the aim of evaluating the effect of sewage
sludge application on tomato seedling growth, under limited
water supply conditions, this experiment was carried out in
pots of six liters of capacity; in each pot three tomato seeds
from INCA variety 9(1) were sown. Initial treatments were: soil;
soil + mineral fertilizer and soil + 135 g soil. 15 days
after germination (ddg), two levels of water supply were
imposed (100 and 50 % for reestablising moisture losses every
other day), so that six treatments were formed since that moment
by combining the two study factors already mentioned. The
dynamics of soil moisture percentage was recorded every four
days and 12 days after having implanted the treatments of
moisture levels (ditnh), plant height, shoot diameter, dry weight
per organ and the whole plant and leaf surface were evaluated.
Growth analysis was performed from the beginning until 12 ditnh.
Results showed that sludge application influences positively
soil capacity to retain water, which was evidenced when
evaluating its moisture percentage every four days and
subjecting it to gradual reductions of water supply to 50 %
moisture losses in the soil, every two days. The stress condition
imposed evidently affected all growth variables evaluated,
which was less drastic in plants cultivated in the treatment
where sewage sludge was applied.

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How to Cite
Utria, E. (2013). Seedling growth of tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in different substrates and levels of water supply. Cultivos Tropicales, 26(3), 31–38. Retrieved from
Original Article