A study on the behavior of rice (Oryza sativa Lin.) lines and varieties in front of fungal infection of Pyricularia grisea Sacc.

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Regla M. Cárdenas


The work was developed for four years in Caribe
farm, Pinar del Río province. The lines and varieties were
sown in hot spots of Pyricularia grisea Sacc. Disease severity
was evaluated, keeping in mind the percentage of affected leaf
area (% AFA) in the seedling stage and the incidence (%) on
panicle neck at heading stage. The design used was randomized
complete with three replications. The statistical analysis was
made according to genotypic behavior (short and middle
cycles) in front of leaf disease and panicle neck, the values
corresponding to respectively AFA and percentages of
incidence being processed, and analyzed by means of multiple
comparison and correlation. A cluster analysis was also made
with the purpose of containing the evaluated vegetable material.
Results showed no statistically significant differences
between lines and varieties, so much for % AFA as for the
incidence; nevertheless, the incidence presented a bigger index
of variability. Short-cycle genotypes presented a higher
stability to leaf infection. There was no significant correlation
between disease incidence in the neck and the severity detected
in the leaf. The Cluster analysis allowed to classify lines and
varieties by means of a dendrogram.

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How to Cite
Cárdenas, R. M. (2013). A study on the behavior of rice (Oryza sativa Lin.) lines and varieties in front of fungal infection of Pyricularia grisea Sacc. Cultivos Tropicales, 26(4), 83–87. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/478
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