Caribe 71, an onion cultivar for tropical climate

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Laura Muñoz


In the Agricultural Experimental Station of Santiago
de las Vegas, at present INIFAT, from the Ministry of
Agriculture (MINAG), several researches were developed, with
the objective of breeding onion production in the country.
Cultural problems for market production were determined and
it was estimated the need to develop varieties for tropical
conditions, that permit seed production in Cuba. Applying
hibernation treatment to the bulbs, it was possible to obtain
flowers and seeds, which let begin genetic breeding works in
this species and achieve the variety Caribe 71. The principal
characteristics of this variety are: red color, pungency taste,
good degree of tolerance under field conditions to the fungus
Alternaria porri (Ell) Cif and it can be stored for more than
five months. Its economic cycle is 140 days. The variety is
stable in production and develops bulbs of good shape and
size in more than 90 % of plants. The potential yield of bulbs is
higher than 40 t.ha-1 and it is possible to obtain seeds, which
reaches yield from 300 to 400 kg.ha-1. This production is
profitable under Cuban conditions.

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How to Cite
Muñoz, L. (2013). Caribe 71, an onion cultivar for tropical climate. Cultivos Tropicales, 25(3), 59–62. Retrieved from
Original Article