Green manure nitrogen efficiency on the nitrogenous nutrition of corn (Zea mays L.) grown in a Red

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Gloria M. Martín


The present research work was carried out with
the objective to study green manure nitrogen efficiency; such
manures were used as a preceding crop with corn grown on a
Ferralitic Red soil. The participation degree of different nitrogen
fertilizers (green manure and mineral fertilizer) was studied in
corn nitrogen nutrition by means of isotopic and difference
methods. A pot experiment was conducted, studying
comparatively the effect of Canavalia ensiformis and mineral
fertilizer (ammonium sulphate), and the combination of these
two sources on corn nitrogen nutrition. Results showed that
corn crop increases mineralization process and green manure
N availability. Besides, corn has a strong and significant
response to N fertilization, the treatment combining green
manure and mineral fertilizer being notable, as the highest dry
weight and N content were recorded, reaching by this
combination green manure N profitability coefficients of up to
68 %. The applied N mineralization was so fast that 30 days
after, practically there were not any mineral N in pots, as a
direct consequence from its active absorption by corn plants.

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How to Cite
Martín, G. M. (2013). Green manure nitrogen efficiency on the nitrogenous nutrition of corn (Zea mays L.) grown in a Red. Cultivos Tropicales, 23(3), 91–96. Retrieved from
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