The most adequate sowing season for promising green manure species under Cuban conditions

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Margarita García


During 1992-1994 two field experiments were
carried out on a compacted Red Ferralitic soil. The behavior of
six promising plant species was studied to be used as green
manure. They were seeded every month from January to
December 1992-1994. Treatments were arranged in a randomized
block design with three replicates. Most species were better
adapted when they were seeded from March 15 to August 15.
The species with the best behavior in this period were:
Crotalaria juncea, Sorghum vulgare, Canavalia ensiformis
and Mucuna aterrimum, accumulating great amounts of
phytomass and nutrients which were: 9-88 t.ha-1 fresh
phytomass, 2.00-22.5 t.ha-1 dry phytomass and 70-300 kg.ha-1 N.
The sowing dates from 15th October to 15th December were the
worst for the development of most species evaluated;
nevertheless, Canavalia ensiformis and Lupinus albus could
be taken into account to improve soil conditions due to
phytomass and nutrient accumulation in this period.
Canavalia ensiformis was the only one species that can be
seeded every month to be used as green manure in agriculture,
due to its high capacity to accumulate nutrients and
phytomass. Lupinus albus and Vigna radiata were the species
with less potential to accumulate phytomass and nutrients in
all dates evaluated. The promising species seeded in the
optimum developing periods can be taken into account in the
green manure rotation program, due to its high potential
production of phytomass and nutrients.

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How to Cite
García, M. (2013). The most adequate sowing season for promising green manure species under Cuban conditions. Cultivos Tropicales, 23(1), 5–14. Retrieved from
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